Spirittea Spirit Seasons Guide: How to Maximize Your Bathhouse Profits
9:21 pm
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During the initial bathhouse tutorial with Wonyan, you learn each spirit has an associated season, which impacts where they like to sit in the bath. It can be tricky to keep track of each spirit’s season and preferences, but these details affect your profits.

Wonyan mentions you can get more intel on spirits if you find old tomes lying around, but Spirittea doesn’t offer us much more guidance on where to look or how to keep track of the spirits. You can learn each spirit’s season and some of their other preferences by digging up old tomes using the shovel and your Spirit Vision. However, this is pretty time consuming and still doesn’t really help you keep the info all in one place. So, we’re done the digging for you and will break down each spirit’s associated season and preferences for which seasonal friends to sit near in the bath and which to avoid.

Quick note: this guide is ongoing as we play through the game and come across new spirits, so it’ll be updated continuously until we make our way through. Check back for updates!

Related: Spirittea Spirit Guide: How to Find and Recruit New Bathhouse Guests

Spirit Seasons & Preferences

Aurum Spirit Season & Preferences

Aurum Spirittea
Screenshot via Gamepur

One of the first two spirits you find, Aurum, is a small guy who takes up just one square in the bath. That makes fitting him in relatively easier than some of the larger spirits. Here’s what we know about how to keep Aurum happy so that this spirit will leave you a big tip.

  • Aurum’s Season: Fall
  • Aurum’s Size: Small (One Square)
  • Likes to Sit By: Winter Spirits
  • Dislikes Sitting By: Spring Spirits

Fatherog Spirit Season & Preferences

Fatherog Spirittea
Screenshot via Gamepur

Fatherog is the other spirit you discover alongside Aurum, which you’d think would mean they enjoy each other’s company. This isn’t the case, as they are from opposite seasons. Fatherog also takes up just one square in the bath, so keeping him away from Fall spirit Aurug is relatively easy.

  • Fatherog’s Season: Spring
  • Fatherog’s Size: Small (One Square)
  • Likes to Sit By: Summer Spirits
  • Dislikes Sitting By: Fall Spirits

Morinoba Spirit Season & Preferences

Morinoba Spirittea
Screenshot via Gamepur

You’ll encounter Morinoba once you begin helping townsfolk with their hauntings, as she’s the one lurking in Moby’s bathtub. She is one of the largest spirits around, making her a challenging customer.

  • Morinoba’s Season: Spring
  • Morinoba’s Size: Large (Nine Squares)
  • Likes to Sit By: Summer Spirits
  • Dislikes Sitting By: Fall Spirits

Dolmori Spirit Season & Preferences

Dolmori Spirittea
Screenshot via Gamepur

One of the spirits you encounter through helping Sujin with her boat vandalism problem is the tree spirit Dolmori. As this spirit enjoys the bath, it likes to spin in circles, making it an entertaining guest to watch.

  • Dolmori’s Season: Summer
  • Dolmori’s Size: Medium (Four Squares)
  • Like to Sit By: Fall Spirits
  • Dislikes Sitting By: Winter Spirits

Borzo Spirit Season & Preferences

Borzo Spirittea
Screenshot via Gamepur

Borzo is the other spirit you meet through the Boat Vandal mission and looks a bit like a friendly dog that walks on its hind legs.

  • Borzo’s Season: Fall
  • Borzo’s Size: Small (One Square)
  • Likes to Sit By: Winter Spirits
  • Dislikes Sitting By: Spring Spirits

Kurkapi Spirit Season & Preferences

Korkupi Spirittea
Screenshot via Gamepur

Kurkapi is the culprit behind the bell no longer ringing down at the temple, and once you offer it a new place to live, it becomes a helper at the bathhouse. During baths, it likes to sing.

  • Kurkapi’s Season: Summer
  • Kurkapi’s Size: Medium (Four Squares)
  • Likes to Sit By: Fall Spirits
  • Dislikes Sitting By: Winter Spirits

Fenius Spirit Season & Preferences

Fenias Spirittea
Screenshot via Gamepur

Fenius is a grumpy old spirit who’s not happy someone built a house where his shrine used to be! You’ll meet him during Bruce’s Shrine Quest, and once you repair an old shrine for him to live in, he becomes one of your regulars.

  • Fenius’s Season: Spring
  • Fenius’s Size: Medium (Four Squares)
  • Likes to Sit By: Summer Spirits
  • Dislikes Sitting By: Fall Spirits

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