Limited edition Yorkshire Tea PS5 controller revealed
5:20 pm
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Do you like Tea? Do you like PlayStation 5? Then boy we have an offer for you, a 100% official Yorkshire Tea PlayStation 5 DualSense controller!

Yorkshire Tea PS5

Yorkshire Tea may not be the first thing you think of when gaming, marketing usual targets gamers with energy drinks, but as players are getting older the Yorkshire Tea may be on to a winner. The controller has been created by custom controller maestro POPeART.

Here’s what Yorkshire Tea had to say about the controller:

The power of tea

Picture the scene. You’re facing down a boss with three heads and a hammer as big as a truck, armed with nothing but a rusty sword you looted from a guard. Gulping, you look down at the controller in your hands, wondering if victory is even possible. And you see it – the reassuring branding of your favourite tea. “Yes”, you say to yourself. “I can do this”.

You begin the fight and are immediately one-shotted. You’re clearly way too low level for this area. On behalf of Yorkshire Tea, we would like to apologise for this and any other in-game mishaps caused by the powerful feeling of self-belief our controller will fill you with.

You can grab one for yourself for just *cough* £150 *cough* by following this link.

Source: Yorkshire Tea

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